ECAC Championship To Stay In Lake Placid Through 2001

The Eastern College Athletic Conference will continue its hockey relationship with Lake Placid, N.Y., holding its 1999, 2000 and 2001 men’s Division I ice hockey championships at the Olympic Arena there.

“We are fortunate to continue what has been an excellent relationship with a wonderful community,” said ECAC hockey commissioner Jeff Fanter. “Words cannot describe what Lake Placid has meant to ECAC ice hockey and what it will continue to mean into the next century.

“There are few league championships in all of collegiate athletics that take over a town the way that ECAC ice hockey takes over the town of Lake Placid. A person cannot truly understand just what Lake Placid means to ECAC and college hockey without experiencing it.”

“We are excited about hosting this high-caliber Division I college championship into the next millennium,” said Olympic Regional Development Authority President and CEO Ted Blazer. “The entire community is dedicated to providing the ECAC programs, families and students a quality winter sports experience on a long weekend dedicated to college hockey,”

The Olympic Arena in Lake Placid has hosted the championship since 1993.