UAA’s McEachran Suspension Lifted

University of Alaska Anchorage athletic director Harry Larrabee and hockey head coach Dean Talafous announced Thursday that freshman goaltender Cory McEachran has been reinstated for competition.

McEachran was suspended Dec. 3 after his involvement in an incident that included the discharge of a fire extinguisher in the UAA residence halls over the Thanksgiving holiday break.

Last week, McEachran pled no contest to a misdemeanor charge of reckless endangerment and received a one-year suspended sentence that included a fine, restitution payment, community service and an alcohol-screening component.

“Cory’s suspension from competition has been lifted,” said Larrabee. “We appreciate what we feel was a speedy and fair resolution through the court system. We are ready to move on and are looking forward to seeing Cory rejoin the team for competition.”

Added Talafous, “The coaching staff and the team are excited to have Cory back. I know this has been a difficult time for Cory, but he has handled it well. We look forward to putting this behind us and re-focusing on the upcoming games.”