UNH to Develop Holt Hockey Archives

The University of New Hampshire is recognizing a legendary figure and helping college hockey at the same time, announcing the development of the Charles E. Holt Archives of American Hockey.

The Holt Archives — named after UNH’s legendary, Hall of Fame coach who passed away earlier this year — will be a repository of materials covering the history of men’s and women’s hockey, including organizational records, player scrapbooks, photographs, media publications, taped interviews, and artifacts.

“It’s going to be a wonderful resource for men’s and women’s hockey,” said Holt’s daughter Brenda. “The hope is people will share their research and findings just as my father shared his knowledge and wisdom.”

Both Hockey East and the American Hockey Coaches Association have recently agreed to make the Holt Archives the home of their records.

“New England is the appropriate place to house these records and there is no other name that means so much to the game of hockey than Charlie Holt,” said Joe Bertagna, Hockey East Commissioner and AHCA Executive Director.

UNH Director of Special Collections, Bill Ross, and faculty member Steve Hardy anticipate an aggressive campaign to acquire materials from players, coaches, administrators, and officials representing the history of hockey at all levels, in all regions of the country.

“Too often, important historical records make their way to a dumpster or are stored away in damp basements,” Ross said. “The creation of the Holt Archives will help ensure that the history of American amateur and collegiate hockey is preserved for generations to come.”

The Holt Archives will be housed in Special Collections at the University of New Hampshire’s newly renovated and expanded Dimond Library.

“To our knowledge there is no archive on American hockey on any scale. We want this to be the mecca for men’s and women’s hockey research in the country,” Hardy said. “When you combine the records of the men’s and women’s programs, there are few, if any, programs that match UNH and that is why it’s perfect for it to be located here.”