Violence Mars Minnesota Students’ Victory Celebration

A victory celebration on the University of Minnesota campus late Saturday night, escalated into violence and led to 25 arrests after the Gophers’ defeated Maine for the NCAA championship.

Separate groups of celebrating students gathered near Northrop Memorial Auditorium, the area known as Dinkytown, and at the end of the school’s fraternity row. As police moved in to make sure nothing got out of hand, someone threw a bottle that hit and injured an officer, according to published reports.

Officers in riot gear used tear gas to calm the crowd, according to reports. Several thousand students were involved in the celebration, while a smaller group participated in the escalating violence, which led to shattered windows, broken street lamps, and burned furniture.

According to news articles, about 50 officers responded to the situation, and had everything under control by 5 a.m. Sunday morning.