Ohio State Places Four On CCHA Preseason Teams

Seven schools are represented on the second annual CCHA Preseason All-Conference Teams, selected in balloting by league coaches and media and announced Wednesday by the league.

Ohio State, led by 2005 CCHA All-Conference Second Team selection Rod Pelley, a senior forward, and senior goaltender Dave Caruso, had four of its players selected. Pelley and Caruso were named to the First Team with teammates Tom Fritsche, a sophomore forward, and senior defenseman Nate Guenin, both honored on the Second Team.

Michigan junior forward T.J. Hensick, the conference’s only First Team All-American honoree last season, was a unanimous pick at forward for the First Team, and was joined by Wolverine junior defenseman Matt Hunwick, who was selected to the Second Team.

Nebraska-Omaha is represented by junior forward Scott Parse on the First Team and 2005 CCHA Rookie of the Year Bill Thomas, who earned Second Team Honors. Miami senior defenseman Andy Greene, the CCHA’s Best Offensive Defenseman, and Northern Michigan senior defenseman Nathan Oystrick, the reigning CCHA Defensive Defenseman, round out the First Team selections.

Western Michigan senior forward Brent Walton joins Fritsche and Thomas as a Second Team forward, and junior goaltender Dominic Vicari of Michigan State earned honors to backstop the Second Team.

Eight of the 12 players on the Preseason Teams received All-Conference honors last season with Hensick, Parse, Oystrick and Greene keeping their spots on the First Team, Pelley going from the Second Team to First Team, and Thomas, Guenin, and Walton retaining Second Team honors.

Thirty-six ballots were cast. Voting was conducted among all 12 head coaches, along with one print and one broadcast journalist from each of the 12 CCHA member markets and another four media members representing national television, newspaper and web outlets.

2005-06 CCHA Preseason All-Conference Teams

First Team
Pos Name Year School (First) Points
F T.J. Hensick Jr Michigan (35) 175
F Scott Parse Jr Nebraska-Omaha (27) 152
F Rod Pelley Sr Ohio State (11) 107
D Andy Greene Sr Miami (32) 171
D Nathan Oystrick Sr Northern Michigan (22) 135
G David Caruso Sr Ohio State (24) 146

Second Team
Pos Name Year School (First) Points
F Brent Walton Sr Western Michigan (9) 96
F Tom Fritsche So Ohio State (9) 89
F Bill Thomas So Nebraska-Omaha (3) 81
D Matt Hunwick Jr Michigan (9) 107
D Nate Guenin Sr Ohio State (10) 103
G Dominic Vicari Jr Michigan State (6) 87