Post-game thoughts…

Some quotes from the players and coaches of both teams after tonight’s thrilling, 2-1 overtime victory for Boston University over Boston College:

BU head coach Jack Parker:

“I told everyone on the BC team that I thought they deserved better tonight.”

“I can’t say enough about John Curry. I can’t say enough about the way my team was able to bend and not break. It was like the Battle of the Bluge how much we were bending, though.”

Curry and Parker on a BC shot that rested on the goal line with nine second remaining in regulation:

“I think it was a lot closer than a lot of the fans knew,” said Curry, after describing how he stopped the puck exactly on the line.

“I think it was a lot closer than I knew,” responded Parker. “I’m getting nervous when you describe the play.”

Parker on beating BC in overtime for the first time ever in the Beanpot final:

“Beating BC whether its one period, two periods, three periods, overtime or five overtimes is always as rewarding.”

BC head coach Jerry York:

“I thought that was the best game we played all year as far as emotion and intensity. It was downright good play.”