Thoughts from Friday – Lucky Number?

Friday was its usual mishmash of practices, events and awards. Some random observations:

Lucky Number 7

A nice turnout as usual at the team practices. Both teams looked loose. The question on most people’s minds was why every player on the Fighting Irish wears a “7” on the back of their practice jersey. Junior Luke Lucyk wore Number Seven his freshman and sophomore years, then left the team to return to junior hockey. Back at Notre Dame this season, he’s wearing Number 20. The meaning behind the “7” is a tightly kept secret, known only to the team, so we’re left to venture some guesses:

  • They’re big fans of the movie
  • The Notre Dame online store only had #7s left in stock
  • Jeff Jackson is a big believer in Steven Covey’s Book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Microsoft is sponsoring the team to promote Windows Version 7, coming in 2009, er, 2010, er…
  • The team is lobbying for Jimmy Clausen to be the starting quarterback next season
  • Feel free to come up with your own. One thing I did notice is that Notre Dame’s Motto: “Our Life, Our Sweetness, and Our Hope” has seven words. Hmmm.