LSSU’s Roque in more hot water with CCHA

The CCHA announced Thursday that Lake Superior State head coach Jim Roque has been issued a fine and been publicly reprimanded for a violation of the league’s Good Conduct Policy.

“The CCHA has a number of post-game protocols for a coach to properly express their concerns over issues that may have occurred during the course of a game,” CCHA commissioner Tom Anastos said in a statement. “There is no excuse or acceptable explanation for public comments that challenge the integrity of the league’s on-ice officials or administrative processes.”

The action was taken by the league after a review of public comments attributed to the coach, reportedly in the Soo Evening News when Roque spoke out on the officials after a Jan. 15 game against Michigan State.

According to the article, Roque said linesman Mike Poliski threatened him when they were on the ice.

“I had to call the police and file a complaint against him,” Roque told the newspaper. “All I wanted to do is ask how they were giving me seven minutes of penalties in the last ten minutes … they (officials) wouldn’t talk to me. They wouldn’t even come over for the shootout. I think that’s uncalled for. I got fined $1,000 five years ago for saying something bad about the refs in the paper. The guy can threaten my life and nothing happens to him? I just think that’s wrong.”