Boston University’s Trivino arrested, booted permanently from team

Boston University senior and Hockey East leading goal scorer Corey Trivino was arrested Sunday night (Dec. 11) and charged with three counts of indecent assault and battery after he allegedly entered the room of a female student and attempted to kiss and grope her, according to a report in BU Today.

Trivino, also charged with two counts of breaking and entering in the nighttime and one count of assault with attempt to rape, is no longer a member of the hockey team, head coach Jack Parker said in the article.

Trivino, a Toronto native, pleaded not guilty to all charges at his arraignment Monday in Brighton District Court. Judge David T. Donnelly set bail at $25,000 or surrender of Trivino’s Canadian passport and ordered Trivino to leave his dorm room by 3 p.m. Monday.

“This will be a big hole to fill,” said Parker in the report. “And there’s an emotional hole, also.”

The article further stated Trivino may attend classes until he is officially suspended or expelled.

Back in May 2010, Trivino was suspended for an alcohol-related incident before the Hockey East semifinals and missed time at the start of the 2010-11 season.

Trivino had 13 goals and 17 points in 15 games this season and ends his Terriers’ career with 73 points in 112 games. He was also drafted by the New York Islanders in 2008.