Merrimack AD placed on paid leave due to ‘personnel matter’

According to a report in the Eagle-Tribune, Merrimack athletic director Glenn Hofmann was placed on paid leave Monday, but school officials won’t say why.

Hofmann was hired by the college three years ago and refused to answer questions when approached at his North Andover home last night by the paper.

College spokesman Jeffrey Doggett would only tell the paper that Hofmann’s leave was a “personnel matter.”

In the July 4 Eagle-Tribune, it was reported that Merrimack had hired an outside firm, Bingham McCutchen LLP, to investigate the matter with Hofmann, but Doggett said that the investigation does not involve any police department or the district attorney’s office at this time.

Doggett also declined to specify who brought the issue being investigated to the college administration’s attention.

Hofmann’s wife, Suzanne, works for Merrimack in the communications and marketing department, but Doggett declined to say whether she is also on paid leave.

Glenn Hofmann, who oversees 22 sports teams at Merrimack, including the nationally-ranked men’s hockey team, served as associate athletics director at Niagara from 2005 until his hiring at Merrimack in February 2009.