Rensselaer 4, Brown 1 F
ECAC GameSaturday, November 5, 2016 at Meehan Auditorium (Attendance: 174)
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Scoring | Shots | |||||||||
Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Penalties | Power Plays | ||
REN | 3 | 0 | 1 | = 4 | 10 | 14 | 10 | = 34 | 2-4 | 2-4 |
BRN | 1 | 0 | 0 | = 1 | 14 | 7 | 4 | = 25 | 4-8 | 1-2 |
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Per | Team | Scorer | Assist 1 | Assist 2 | Goal Type | Time |
1 | REN-1 | Kirsten Iwanski | 00:54 | |||
1 | REN-2 | Sabrina Repaci | Amanda Kimmerle | Taylor Schwalbe | 5x4 | 10:21 |
1 | BRN-1 | Sam Donovan | Alley Rempe | Leah Olson | 5x4 | 17:29 |
1 | REN-3 | Hannah Behounek | Katie Rooney | Laura Horwood | 5x4 | 19:19 |
3 | REN-4 | Laura Horwood | Taylor Schwalbe | ENG | 19:55 |
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Per | Team | Player | Min | Infraction | Time |
1 | BRN-1 | Steph Rempe | 2 | Hooking | 08:41 |
1 | REN-1 | Amanda Kimmerle | 2 | Tripping | 13:31 |
1 | REN-2 | Megan Hayes | 2 | Tripping | 15:36 |
1 | BRN-2 | Cynthia Kyin | 2 | Hooking | 18:42 |
2 | BRN-3 | Katie Swanstrom | 2 | Hooking | 02:58 |
2 | BRN-4 | Katie Lynch | 2 | Hooking | 15:29 |
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Saves | ||||||
Team | Goalie | 1 | 2 | 3 | Goals Allowed | |
REN-1 | Lovisa Selander (59:33 W) | 13 | 7 | 4 | = 24 | (1 GA) |
BRN-1 | Monica Elvin (58:06 L) | 7 | 14 | 9 | = 30 | (3 GA) |
Player Scoring Summary
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Team | Player | Scoring |
REN | Taylor Schwalbe | 0-2 = 2 |
REN | Laura Horwood | 1-1 = 2 |
REN | Kirsten Iwanski | 1-0 = 1 |
REN | Sabrina Repaci | 1-0 = 1 |
BRN | Alley Rempe | 0-1 = 1 |
BRN | Sam Donovan | 1-0 = 1 |
REN | Hannah Behounek | 1-0 = 1 |
REN | Amanda Kimmerle | 0-1 = 1 |
REN | Katie Rooney | 0-1 = 1 |
BRN | Leah Olson | 0-1 = 1 |
Player Penalty Summary
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Team | Player | Penalties |
BRN | Steph Rempe | 1-2 |
BRN | Cynthia Kyin | 1-2 |
REN | Amanda Kimmerle | 1-2 |
REN | Megan Hayes | 1-2 |
BRN | Katie Lynch | 1-2 |
BRN | Katie Swanstrom | 1-2 |
Referee(s): Mark Andrews, Jeremy Lemoine
Asst. Referee(s): Ryan Chauvin, Jim Curtin
Asst. Referee(s): Ryan Chauvin, Jim Curtin
Box scores by — U.S. College Hockey Online are compiled from official game box scores. Changes may have been made to the official box score after it was released to the media. Consequently, USCHO's box scores may disagree with reports published by other sources.