Johnson & Wales 5, Suffolk 4 F
ECAC Northeast GameWednesday, November 13, 2002 at Walter Brown Arena (Attendance: 200)
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Scoring | Shots | |||||||||
Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Penalties | Power Plays | ||
J_W | 1 | 0 | 4 | = 5 | 15 | 12 | 20 | = 47 | 5-10 | 0-5 |
SUF | 2 | 0 | 2 | = 4 | 12 | 8 | 12 | = 32 | 5-10 | 2-5 |
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Per | Team | Scorer | Assist 1 | Assist 2 | Goal Type | Time |
1 | -1 | John Brennan | Manu Mau'u | 14:03 | ||
1 | SUF-1 | Scott Goodman | Bill Corcoran | Aaron DeCoste | 5x4 | 15:11 |
1 | SUF-2 | Scott Goodman | Matt Morrissey | 17:14 | ||
3 | -2 | Eric Rosenberg | John Brennan | Bobby Cross | 02:34 | |
3 | -3 | John Brennan | Manu Mau'u | Larry Bryan | 03:28 | |
3 | SUF-3 | Aaron DeCoste | Ricky Morrell | Matt Morrissey | 07:47 | |
3 | -4 | Eric Rosenberg | John Brennan | Brian Jacque | 10:17 | |
3 | SUF-4 | Ryan Kearney | Ricky Gigante | Aaron DeCoste | 5x4 | 13:23 |
3 | -5 | Chris Thunman | Matt O'Connor | 15:27 |
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Per | Team | Player | Min | Infraction | Time |
No matching records found |
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Saves | ||||||
Team | Goalie | 1 | 2 | 3 | Goals Allowed | |
-1 | Nick Lacroix (60:00 W) | 10 | 8 | 10 | = 28 | (4 GA) |
SUF-1 | Joe Palladino (60:00 L) | 14 | 12 | 16 | = 42 | (5 GA) |
Player Scoring Summary
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Team | Player | Scoring |
John Brennan | 2-2 = 4 | |
SUF | Aaron DeCoste | 1-2 = 3 |
Manu Mau'u | 0-2 = 2 | |
SUF | Scott Goodman | 2-0 = 2 |
Eric Rosenberg | 2-0 = 2 | |
SUF | Matt Morrissey | 0-2 = 2 |
SUF | Ricky Morrell | 0-1 = 1 |
Larry Bryan | 0-1 = 1 | |
Matt O'Connor | 0-1 = 1 | |
Bobby Cross | 0-1 = 1 | |
Chris Thunman | 1-0 = 1 | |
Brian Jacque | 0-1 = 1 | |
SUF | Ricky Gigante | 0-1 = 1 |
SUF | Ryan Kearney | 1-0 = 1 |
SUF | Bill Corcoran | 0-1 = 1 |
Player Penalty Summary
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Team | Player | Penalties |
No matching records found |
Referee(s): Bill Doiron, Rob Tobin
Asst. Referee(s): Mike Caggiano
Asst. Referee(s): Mike Caggiano
Box scores by — U.S. College Hockey Online are compiled from official game box scores. Changes may have been made to the official box score after it was released to the media. Consequently, USCHO's box scores may disagree with reports published by other sources.